Ohaidere. So. Since this is my homepage I just wanted to tell you stalkers what happend to me on the date of 4.21.12(:
I met a guy named Justin at Solo & Ensemble and we were talking for that day or so. And on the date of 4.22.12<3 he asked me out on the phone right before I went to bed.<33 Heh.(: He's amazing. I swear. I can't wait to see him again c: <33
Hanna, Alek, and Morgan
4/23/2012 11:19:59 pm

(DELETE AFTER READING) A few of us in mr.corsi’s class are making baskets for 3 of our teachers (Mr.Corsi, Mr.Pukansky , and Mr.Dean) We are asking you to donate some money to help pay for the baskets. We are asking for $5.00 or whatever you can do (at least $1.00) If there are financial troubles and you are not able to donate any I understand please talk to me. If you are able and choose not to donate you will not sign the second football. – Hanna, Alek, and Morgan


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